Thursday 11 October 2012

HAIR CHAT | Learning My Hair

 Hello loves,

I just wanted to talk about my hair. It's been a crazy journey for me. When I did my BC, It was a shocker for me and the people around me. I got compliments and insults. What is a girl to do?  
Move on and rock your hair like no other. 

Seeing that I was relaxed for most of my life,I was only accustomed to straight hair. Once I went natural it was a whole new world and task that was put before me. Looking at all the YouTube videos seeing the girls that made twisting, braiding, and twirling their hair look so easy. Then when you try it, it's like World War III on your head. It takes patience and practice with natural hair. I'm a firm believer that natural isn't for everyone. And I'll rant on that later. :) Anyways, once you get to know what your hair likes and how it becomes a lot easier. I'm still trying to figure out what products work for my hair and how my hair react to others. YouTube has been a great help for me and I'm still looking at different ideas for my hair. You can never learn too much stuff. 

 Even though I'm a year in doesn't mean sometimes it's not as difficult as when I first started. It still is sometimes. 

I'm still learning about what God gave me. 

Saturday 6 October 2012

One Year Later | Post Big Chop

So ladies....the time has come. 

Yes it's been a year into my journey and I'm so excited. I learned so much and I'm still learning about my hair. Sadly I haven't really stuck to a regimen like other naturals have. I do have some products that I use at the moment. That will be in another post. It's kinda hard to find an exact regimen when you are in the middle of Afghanistan and constantly on the move! Hopefully when I get back. I can finally find things that work.

I'm so happy with the growth of my hair. I was so shocked to actually take the time and look at the pictures. People keep asking me what I used, if I'm taking vitamins, and what am I doing to it to make it grow. Honestly...nothing. When I did my BC, I was trying everything under the sun because I seen everyone else doing it. However, you just need to find your hair type, research people with a similar hair type, and go from there. The less you do the more it grows. You really don't need constant manipulation in your hair. You are just doing more harm than good. Another thing I learned about was being a Product Junkie. Another of naturals are and I was one, but I just stopped all together. Why keep spending your money on things that might not work for your hair. I'll save that rant for another post. lol 

I just wanted to share this with you ladies. Hope you enjoy.

x jmarie

Thursday 4 October 2012

COILY CONFESSIONS | Bonnets and Silk Pillows

So I must confess....I'm horrible at wrapping my hair at night. It's suppose to be a big deal to avoid breakage. I actually own a bonnet and a satin wrap. I do want to buy a satin pillowcase in the future. I think it's better than wearing a bonnet to bed. And it's not too bad when you have your significant other around. A bonnet can be an eye sore sometimes. Depending on how you sleep, it might not stay on your head. For those crazy sleepers, I suggest the pillowcase.

HAIR TIPS: Buy a satin or silk scarf. The satin or silk scarf helps to maintain moisture levels while you sleep and acts as a barrier between your hair and the pillow case. The constant, repeated friction between the two will rob your hair of moisture which leads to dryness which makes your hair more susceptible to breakage, and so on and so on. If you still can’t get with the scarf at night, at least consider sleeping on a satin pillow case. This will allow your hair to be able to slide up against the pillow with ease, thus eliminating additional knots and tangles. Cotton fabric will undoubtedly pull moisture and essential oils your hair needs out of hair.
I hope this helps with some things. Just wanted to throw some tips out there. 

x Jmarie

Friday 28 September 2012

Let's Give This a Try....

Hello Loves....

Well I never wrote a blog before, so I wanted to try it out. Since it's like impossible for me to upload videos on my YouTube, I decided to do this as an alternative. 

As some of you all know, I'm deployed in Afghanistan at the moment. So things are kind of at a stand still. I wanted to share the things I love to my subscribers. October 5, 2012 will be my one year mark. Man, am I excited...I remember when I first cut it off! I'll save that for another blog though. :)

I will hope to talk about hair, fashion, and other random things. Hopefully yal will love it!

x JMarie